Saturday, December 13, 2008

Structuralism & Semiotics: The Journals

Chapters 3-8
pg. 28: Vitor's mother' parting words are part of structuralism

pg. 30: Victor;s need for Elizabeth's hand in marriage in the letter is S.S.

pg. 30: The passing of text obvious use of S.S.

pg. 31: The mention of reading things is another example.

pg. 31: Listing the books is another example

pg. 32: THe professors lecture is an example while at Ingolstaldt

pg. 34: Victor's need for books is another sign

pg. 35: Him attending th lectures + reading extensively contribute to the the significance.

pg. 37: Mentioning that he is recounting his talks through text is significant to S.S.

pg. 40: The exchange of letter with his father contribute to the idea

pg. 43: Prophetic visions or actions are S.S.

pg. 43: The monster waking victor up, is one of the key moments of S.S. in the novel

pg. 44: The poem within this series of letters, is another landmark moment

pg. 47: More letters, signifying important events.

pg. 48: Letter, are symbols for life changing events

pg. 53: Clerval has literary pursuits, more S.S.

pg. 54: Clerval mentioning poetic texts from his studies serves as a source of foreshadow

pg. 55: Letter from Victor's dad announcing his brother's death.

pg. 65: The trial of Justine also serves as a major life event in the novel.

pg. 67: Justine's account is another S.S. example. Its lengthy, and changes the events in the story.

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